Creative Knitting





Long sleeve – 3(4, 4, 5, 7, 8)balls 50gm Snuggly baby bamboo DK shade 158

Cap sleeve – 2(3, 3, 4, 4, 5) balls 50gm Snuggly baby bamboo DK shade 155

2 buttons

Needles and tools

4mm knitting needles

3.25mm knitting needles

Special abbreviations

MB: make bobble knit into front, back, front, back of next st, turn, p4, turn, k4, turn, (p2tog) twice, 2sts, k2tog.

yfwd: yarn forward

yon: yarn over needle

yrn: yarn round needle

s2: slip 2 stitches knitways as if to k2tog

p2sso: pass 2 slipped stitches over


22st by 28 rows to 10cm over stocking stitch on 4mm needles.



Work both cardigans the same omitting the sleeve set not required.


Using 4mm needles and thumb method cast on 101(131, 141, 151, 161, 181)sts

Row 1: P2, * k2, s2, k1, p2sso, k2, p3 rep from * to last 9sts, k2, s2, k1, p2sso, k2, p2. 81(105, 113, 121, 129, 145)sts

Row 2: k2, * p5, k3, rep from * to last 7sts, p5, k2.

Row 3: p2, * k1, s2, k1, p2sso, k1, p3,

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