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Strong Fitness Magazine Australia1 min read
Alan Aragon Equation
With clients who are weight training and/or who are athletes, I use the Alan Aragon Equation. His formula is very simple and easy to adjust, and doesn’t overestimate energy expenditure as easily or as often as others. (Hours training per week + inte
Strong Fitness Magazine Australia1 min read
Training Schedule
FASTED CARDIO: Twice per week. MUAY THAI, BOXING OR SPARRING: Three times per week. JIU JITSU: Twice per week. YOGA: Twice per week. WEIGHT WORKOUTS: One to two sessions per week, if I’m feeling up to it. REST, RECOVERY AND RELAXATION: Whenever
Strong Fitness Magazine Australia1 min read
Step-by-step Meditation
1. Find a comfortable spot where you can sit and relax. No lotus position required. 2. Be present for each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the length, sound and feeling of each breath. 3. When your mind wanders, notice where it’s wandering to,
