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West Collection
Announcing our new West Saddlebag!! Our West Collection now has 13 beautiful colors. This protected aniline collection is perfect for upholstery and accessories. It is very supple, pliable, and protected against scratches. Call us at 972-635-3055, em
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Starting It Out And Keeping It Going
I came into the leather industry only a few years ago from a related profession. I found the learning curve to be a bit steep. I had to make changes to my thinking and learn an awful lot to have ever gotten this far. For me, when I start any new proj
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Saddle Seat Inlay Part 1 of 2
WITH TREVOR ALEXANDER OF BURNS SADDLERY MEDIA BY DEREK DOWSETT OF 1876 MEDIA WRITTEN BY RACHEL MCHARDY OF LEARN WITH ILLUME • Chap leather• Pattern (supplied)• Leather scissors• Cantle pliers• Stylus• Electric screwdriver• Head knife• 3/8” foam• Colo
