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Owner Driver11 min read
Back In The Game
Penske people must be a patient lot, especially in our part of the world. For the best part of a decade, they’ve waited and waited, and waited some more, for their Star to do what stars generally do best – shine brightly! Yet, for reasons seemingly m
Owner Driver4 min read
A Reason For Being
Not long after I earned my MC on my 25th birthday, I was loading trailers hooked up to mainly Volvos in a shed in Carole Park, Queensland. A bloke in his late thirties turned up in a gorgeous green and chrome Kenworth to load up. My guess is it would
Owner Driver2 min read
NHVR Releases PBS Discussion Paper
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has released a Discussion Paper seeking industry input to help shape the future of the Performance Based Standards (PBS) scheme – ensuring it continues to lead and promote innovation in the Australian heavy
