Linux Format

Using, configuring, and extending GDB

GDB has an undeserving reputation as being complicated to use, mostly because of its old-style command-line interface. In fact, there are numerous GUI frontends for the tool, including DDD (, CGDB (, GDB dashboard (, and gdbgui ( However, its text-based interface (TUI) is built in, simple to use and understand, especially when debugging C code. Faulty code should be compiled by GCC with the necessary flags, and loaded into GDB:

-ggdb3 makes GCC save the maximum amount of debugging information, while -O0 switches off any optimisations that might affect that data. -std=c99 indicates that the code follows the C99 standard. GDB’s -tui flag switches on the TUI, and -q disables the printing of GDB’s licensing preamble.

Debugging to the max

The code max.c (all the code can be found on the DVD or is meant to find the largest integer in an array by calling findMax():

Note the program contains a printArr() function for printing an array. Neither nor found any errors in the code (), but the program prints the wrong answer:

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