“The man who stands most firmly is the one who has died of darkness and has been restored by belonging.”
Jennifer Boyden The Chief of Rally Tree

Living trees and plants are potent medicine. According to indigenous and ancient wisdom, plants have a dynamic intelligence and play an important role in treating soul illnesses. Certainly, they inspire peace, resilience and health. But do they do more on an unconscious soul level than we can even imagine?

Inside the cold, hard walls and high fences of the Oregon State Penitentiary, men have lived and died without the companionship of plants and trees. In the last few weeks, that has changed.

Members of the Asian Pacific Family Club serving long sentences dared to dream that they could be more than their identity as criminals and prisoners. After five years of steady, patient work under the remarkable leadership of Club President Toshio Takanobu and Project Manager, Johnny Cofer there are now trees and shrubs waiting inside the maximum-security fences. They are about to take their place in the landscape of a Japanese Healing Garden collaboratively designed by Hoichi Kurisu, a worldrenowned gardener and plant whisperer.

The Oregon State Penitentiary was built

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