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Sporting Shooter7 min read
Africa At Last!
OVER THE first days of hunting in Africa, we’d seen plenty of that ubiquitous African pig, the warthog, but every time I pointed them out to my PH, Mansu, he’d say, “big female” or “young boar”. Hunting a trophy warthog turned into something of a gam
Sporting Shooter6 min read
Bittersweet Sambar
AFTER A long hiatus, I resumed my hunting pursuits in 2017. I took a few fallow deer in the years afterwards, but by 2023 I was yet to get a run on the board with a sambar. I became determined to do it before the year was over. HOWEVER, in late April
Sporting Shooter2 min read
Dear Dog Diary
THE purposes of a diary are many. Some use it to record personal reflections, a place where it is safe to express ourselves without intrusion. Others manage their schedules, bills, meetings and appointments. For some it’s a tool to build knowledge an