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Kitchen Garden1 min read
Planting Step By Step
STEP 1: Remove the bottoms from some large pots or florists’ buckets STEP 2: Loosen the compost in the bags by rolling them on a hard surface STEP 3: Use the pots as a template and cut around to remove a circle of plastic. Screw the pots into the com
Kitchen Garden3 min read
Garden Store Plus subscriber Savers
GardenSkill's new Garden Netting Patio and Balcony Cover fits securely over pots, planters or troughs, making it ideal for protecting seedlings or vegetable crops on your patio. The fine mesh netted cover will guard against birds, rodents, insects an
Kitchen Garden3 min read
Under Cover
As peak harvesting season approaches it can be easy to forget that there's still plenty that needs sowing now to ensure plenty of harvests through autumn and into winter, and to fill in any gaps that appear in under cover spaces. For some veg, July i