CQ Amateur Radio

Aboard Yasme… St. Thomas to Panama

Scheduled to leave at noon, 1st August 1955 from KV4-land, everything worked out fine, barring the fact that there was very little wind; however, Dick, complete with XYL and junior, coupled with a few other interested types, were there to see me depart.

As the 12 o’clock siren went, I just managed to get anchor on deck, then up with the sails, one complete circle to give the photographers a chance, then on my way.

The wind, what there was of it, gave a few very disheartened puffs, and decided that it wasn’t worth it anyway, and finally left me with a flat calm, an oily sea, a very sticky heat, and a 35-degree roll on the boat which threatened to throw me overboard at the first opportunity. Forced to have the engine running, the temperature rose to over 100, and the heat even set the jars of jam bubbling in the galley drawers.

I was feeling thoroughly browned off having spent a pleasant 3 months ashore with Dick and his family, and this business of sailing around the world single handed in a small sail boat had lost its appeal completely, and, feeling very sorry for myself, I just sat in the cockpit and gazed at the slatting sails, hoping that the boat would sink.

Well, to get on with the story, Dick and I had arranged skeds so that we could pass all the news to each other. Also he would have some idea where I had sunk should I decide to have an argument with another ship, or should perhaps a gale win an argument with me, but apart from

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