More from Military History

Military History1 min read
Jupiter and Back Again
Though popular culture tends to depict the space race as a cooperative effort among nations with a shared interest in science, it started as a competition between Cold War rivals the United States and the Soviet Union, and there remains an undeniable
Military History3 min read
Hallowed Ground Masada, Israel
The 66–74 Great Jewish Revolt against Rome has taken its place in legend for the Jewish ambush at Beth Horon in 66—which cost Legio XII Fulminata nearly 6,000 soldiers and an aquila (imperial eagle standard)—the Roman siege and destruction of Jerusal
Military History4 min read
Interview Beyond the Moon
When Military History sought an interview with Buzz Aldrin, he initially demurred. The second human being ever to walk on the surface of the Moon—on July 21, 1969, as a crew member of Apollo 11—he finds that journalists seldom want to discuss anythin

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