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Who Do You Think You Are?1 min read
War Graves Report, 1945
Sergeant Douglas Huddlestone was reburied at Tilly-Sur-Seulles War Cemetery on 12 June 1945. Sonia's grandfather was originally buried almost a year earlier at Fontenay-Le-Pesnel (here spelled “Pesnal”), where he fell. The exact location of Douglas'
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What Can You Tell Me About My Chef Great Grandfather?
LINDA ELLIOTT was curious about this photo showing her great grandfather Q My great grandfather, Ernest Arthur Witherick, worked as a chef in the early 1900s. I am intrigued by this photograph of him (he's the older chef holding his knives and sittin
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Strathclyde Through The Ages
1722 Christian Shaw, daughter of the Laird of Bargarran, starts spinning fine linen thread. She later founds the influential Bargarran Thread Company. 1791 Robert Napier, who will become known as the “father of shipbuilding on the Clyde”, is born in
