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Military History11 min read
The Fighting Roosevelts
Just after dawn on July 14, 1918—Bastille Day in France—four American fliers of the 95th Aero Squadron, piloting French-built Nieuport 28 biplane fighters, set out on patrol looking for German observation aircraft. Shortly after crossing no-man’s-lan
Military History11 min read
When Cossacks Ruled Ukraine
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Poland stepped forward as one of its eastern neighbor’s staunchest supporters. But the ongoing eruption involving Russia, Ukraine and Poland is just the latest tragic chapter in a three-way strategic powe
Military History12 min read
For the sick, half-starved inhabitants of Tenochtitlán, island capital of the beleaguered Aztec empire, the new year of 1521 offered only severe hardship and continued bloodshed. Over the past eight months the city’s quarter million residents had suf
