More from Mornings with Jesus

Mornings with Jesus1 min read
Tuesday, August 13
YEARS AGO, A DEAR FRIEND told me she prays for me daily. Learning she'd brought my needs before Jesus, I felt humbled and grateful. Her devotion in prayer reminded me of when my daughter was younger. She and I shared everything in prayer, pouring out
Mornings with Jesus1 min read
Sunday, August 11
WE'RE NOT BANANA EATERS, yet somehow the fruit appears in my kitchen, where it lingers until it's too ripe and draws pesky fruit flies. I'm inclined to toss a brown bunch into the trash, but my husband prefers to whip up a batch of banana muffins. I
Mornings with Jesus1 min read
Monday, August 12
SOMETIMES I JOURNAL MY PRAYERS, pouring out my heart on paper to Jesus. Writing my worries and cares somehow frees them. Afterward, I sit quietly—a huge challenge—and listen to Jesus. But yesterday He interrupted me. I'd asked the Lord for deliveranc
