Men's Health Australia

Build Any Body You Want IN 20 MINUTES A DAY


Hang Tight For Longer

WANT A SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION? “Strength endurance is an effort of sub-maximal contraction, limited to a muscle’s ability to continue contracting over time,” says Michael Blevins of fitness think tank NonProphet. In other words, it’s “the ability to hold”. It explains why the muscles that fail first tend to be those involved in gripping, or the lower back

Your strategy

Bodybuilding falls under strength endurance: the clue is the pump. So does Strongman, where the reps don’t push you to your max but nobody’s exactly doing cardio, either. Grip in climbing, posture in cycling: all strength endurance. When Blevins trains clients, he chooses a muscle group to “exploit”. Reps should be around 25-50 but can be higher. For an example of how it’s done, try Blevins’s workout below.


(30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps)

This takes Blevins 20 minutes; scale it down if you need to, but not too much or you’ll lose the strength endurance effect. Rest as required. Sets must be unbroken. Grab the rings and assume a push-up position (A). Lower and push up (B).


(20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps)

Adjust the rings and assume the reverse position (A). Keep your abs and glutes

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