Popshot Magazine


A thumb of root ginger.Apple cores, tulip petals, hydrangea crowns, radishes.Shells, peelings, scrapings, halves. Celery stems, limes,onions, rocket poured from vacuum packs, Cutsto rescue ailing economy, inks bleeding through beige.Cauliflower heads. Strong English teabags. Innardssqueezed and scooped. Tops, toes, rinds, fingers, alllocked together in life-slime. Mush shivery with heat,a dizzy waft of sweet puke, fast and slow rotting loot,shoot and syllable distilling black-gold mosquito-hummingdirt liqueur. Quintessence of nitrogens,carbons, rancid/fresh chemicals, all of us chemicals,crushed in our squalors, august in our entropies. Peas.

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