Global Voices

LIVE on June 17: “Beyond the Protest Square,” a conversation with Tanya Lokot

Media scholar Tanya Lokot's new book examines how digital media both enables and limits protest action in countries with limited media freedom and corrupt authorities.

Originally published on Global Voices

In her new book, “Beyond the Protest Square: Digital Media and Augmented Dissent,” media scholar Tanya Lokot argues that “the augmented reality of protest goes beyond the bodies, the tents, and the cobblestones in the protest square, incorporating live streams, different time zones, encrypted conversations, and simultaneous translation of protest updates into different languages.”

Join us on June 17 at 4pm GMT for the latest episode in our Global Voices Insights webinar series, in which Global Voices’ executive director Ivan Sigal sits down with Tanya for a conversation about the book, which is based on interviews with protest participants and ethnographic analysis of online content from Ukraine and Russia.

Tanya is an Associate Professor in Digital Media and Society in the School of Communications at Dublin City University, as well as Global Voices’ Eastern Europe Editor.

The session is free and open to the public and will be live streamed on YouTube. Please register to receive a reminder about the event:

[ Register for the webinar ]

We look forward to having you join us on Thursday, June 17 at 4:00pm GMT (click here to convert to your local time zone)!

Originally published in Global Voices.

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