–a) 3 –b) 6 –c) 12 –d) 18 –e) 24 months The model in the photograph corresponds to size –b) 6 months


KATIA SEACELL COTTON: –a) 1 –b) 2 –c) 2 –d) 2 –e) 2 balls yellow col. 102 –a) 1 –b) 2 –c) 2 –d) 2 –e) 3 balls pink col. 104 3 buttons

Knitting needles: 3 mm and 3,5 mm


2 x 2 Ribbing Stocking st Intarsia Round buttonholes Eyelet st: 1st row (right side of work): Work in Knit st. 2nd row (wrong side of work): K1, * K2 tog, 1 YO *, repeat from * to * and finish with K1.


Using 3,5 mm needles in stocking st: 22 sts and 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm


Using 3,5 mm needles and pink 54 58 62 66 70 sts. Work 2 rows in Eyelet st and continue working in Stocking st. With the right side of the work facing, at a distance of 14 cm = 13th row 6 cm = 19th row 7,5 cm = 23rd row 9,5 cm = 29th row 11 cm = 33rd row measuring from the start, work in Intarsia in the following manner: Using pink, work in Stocking st 1 st of pink for 1 st of yellow . Start with the last st of the row indicated and continue until there are no more pink sts left. Work the last rows with all the sts in yellow. When work measures 16 18 20 22 24 cm from the start and with the right side of the row facing, the 2 central sts and continue working each side separately [= 26 28 30 32 34 sts at each side].

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