

A social activist at heart, Pinky Hlabedi has helped many people overcome difficulties, and often puts the needs of others – particularly women and children – ahead of her own. As a founding member of Women in Agriculture and Rural Development (Ward), Pinky has been instrumental in promoting the development of women in agriculture, including securing land for women.

Before she got her own farm in 2014, she was involved in securing 180 farms mainly allocated to women. It is her activism in particular that brought her into agriculture.

“Back in the day, my family and I were fully committed to the anti-apartheid struggle. Post-apartheid I took part in the Jubilee 2000 campaign, which by 2005 had clawed back $130 billion of debt cancellation for developing countries,” Pinky says.


Pinky was drawn to farming in 2005 through helping unemployed women earn a living while feeding their families. As a civic leader she designed social programmes to empower women in the townships.

“I identified people in the community who were struggling, particularly unemployed women living in bonded houses. After 1994, many township people bought houses using loans they could not really afford to service. This left many families suffering financial strain,” recalls Pinky.

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