VertdeVin Magazine



Château Prieuré de Blaignan 2018


The nose is fruity and offers a small power. It reveals notes of crunchy blackberry, iris and small notes of fresh violet associated with fine touches of cassis, rose as well as a hint of pepper and a subtle hint of zan. The palate is fruity, well-balanced and offers an acidulous frame, juiciness, a small tension, balance, juiciness and a fine crunchiness. On the palate this wine expresses notes of crunchy/juicy raspberry, small red berries and small notes of violet associated with a touch of crunchy cassis as well as a hint of cassis leaf, raspberry leaf as well as a subtle hint of toasted/sweet spices. Good length.

Score: 14.75+/20 (89/100)

Château Carmenère 2018


The nose is fruity and offers gourmandize as well as a beautiful ripe/bright fruit and a certain deepness/density. It reveals notes of pulpy Boysen berry, bright cassis and small notes of pulpy wild strawberry associated with small touches of violet, ripe/juicy griotte cherry as well as hints of liquorice, zan, sweet spices and a very discreet hint of nutmeg. The palate is fruity, well-balanced, juicy and offers a beautiful freshness, minerality, a small concentration as well as a fine/finely tight grain. On the palate this wine expresses notes of bright cassis, violet, juicy blueberry and small notes of juicy/fresh redcurrant associated with touches of griotte, strawberry, zan as well as fine hints of mocha and discreet hints of toasted. A very discreet hint of coffee in the persistence.

Score: 15.5+/20 (91/100)

Château Escot 2018


The nose is fruity and offers a certain gourmandize as well as a fine concentration. It reveals notes of ripe cassis, pulpy raspberry and small notes of bright blackberry associated with small touches of lily, plum, violet as well as a hint of liquorice stick, a discreet hint of vanilla and pepper. The palate is fresh, mineral, fruity and offers a beautiful acidulous frame, gourmandize as well as a good definition of the fruit. On the palate this wine expresses notes of pulpy/juicy blackberry, juicy/acidulous raspberry and small notes of small red berries associated with a touch of chocolate, liquorice stick, toasted hazelnut as well as fine hints of tea. Good length. A persistence on notes of chocolate and vanilla.

Score: 15.25+/20 (90-91/100)

Château Taffard de Blaignan 2018


The nose is aromatic, slightly tight and offers a certain concentration as well as a fine incisive side. It reveals notes of blackberry, peony, rose and small notes of cassis associated with touches of pepper and spices. The palate is fruity, slightly tight and offers juiciness, minerality, fat as well as a good freshness, an acidulous frame and a fine unctuosity. On the palate this wine expresses notes of juicy cassis, fresh raspberry and small notes of peony, lily associated with fine touches of crushed blackberry, small juicy/fresh red berries, varietal as well as fine hints of fresh nutmeg, sweet spices and a very discreet hint of tobacco (in the background).

Score: 14.75+/20 (89/100)

Château Lartigue à Valeyrac 2018


The nose is gourmand and offers a small richness (full of balance), a fine grain as well as a small power. It reveals notes of blackberry, fleshy strawberry and small notes of chocolate associated with touches of violet, pulpy raspberry as well as fine hints of vanilla, a discreet hint of nutmeg and bergamot. The palate is fruity, mineral and offers grain, a certain tension, energy as well as a juicy/acidulous frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of juicy/fresh raspberry, crunchy/juicy cassis and small notes of violet associated with touches of fresh lily, juicy/ fresh cherry as well as hints of toasted, tonka bean, cherry blossom, fine hints of toasted hazelnut and a subtle hint of bergamot. Tannins are very finely marked. A good persistence on notes of chocolate and almond.

Score: 15/20 (89-90/100)

Château Livran 2018


The nose is fruity and offers a certain power, elegance, a beautiful finesse of the grain as well as a certain complexity and an aerial side. It reveals notes of pulpy blackberry, fleshy wild strawberry and small notes of small wild fruits associated with touches of violet/cornflower as well as hints of cuben pepper, fleshy/juicy blueberry, spices, fresh nutmeg, a discreet hint of toasted oak and an imperceptible saline hint (in the background). The palate is fruity and offers juiciness, minerality, a beautiful acidulous frame, a fine tension as well as a fine grain and an aerial side. On the palate this wine expresses notes of juicy/fresh blackberry, fresh raspberry and small notes of small red berries associated with touches of lilac, lily, tonka bean, green cardamom, discreet hints of pepper and toasted. Tannins are well-built and very finely chewy. Sapidity in the finish. A very discreet chew and a very discreet hint of dry almond in the finish/persistence. A good fine bitterness in the aftertaste.

Score: 15.75/20 (91-92/100)

Château L’Ecrin de Couleys 2018


The nose is aromatic and offers a certain power as well as a spicy side. It reveals notes of wild strawberry, pulpy Boysen berry and small notes of green cardamom associated with touches of grilled/toasted, spices as well as fine hints of cornflower and black pepper. The palate is fruity and offers minerality, juiciness, wine expresses notes of acidulous/fresh raspberry, juicy/acidulous cherry and small notes of juicy blackberry associated with touches of cornflower, cherry blossom, a racy minerality as well as hints of cardamom, toasted and a subtle hint of almond. Tannins are well-built, very discreetly soft. A fine sapidity in the finish/persistence.

Score: 15.25/20 (90/100)

Lousteauneuf Le Grand 2018


The nose is elegant and offers a fine grain, a fine power as well as a good definition. It reveals notes of juicy/ fresh cassis, fresh strawberry and small notes of fresh cherry associated with touches of violet, crunchy plum, Sichuan pepper, sweet spices, nutmeg as well as discreet hint of saffron and toasted. The palate is fruity, well-balanced and offers an acidulous frame, juiciness, suavity, finesse, a small aerial side in the approach, tension and a good definition. On the palate this wine expresses notes of pulpy/juicy cassis, pulpy/juicy raspberry and small notes of small red berries associated with touches of violet, lily, nutmeg, mild tobacco as well as a subtle hint of bergamot, toasted and a discreet hint of vanilla pod (in the background). Good length. Tannins are structuring.

Score: 15.5+/20 (91/100)

La Tour de By — Merlot Noir 2018


The nose is fruity, gourmand and offers a small power as well as a fine concentration. It reveals notes of small wild black berries, cassis and small notes of grey pepper associated with touches of roasted as well as fine hints of small blue fruits, zan, mild tobacco and a discreet hint of vanilla. The palate is fruity, well-balanced and offers a beautiful definition, tension, precision, a small chiseled side, a fine acidulous frame as well as a small aerial side in the approach, a good structure, delicacy and a beautiful freshness. On the palate this wine expresses notes of small wild black berries, juicy/wild cassis and small notes of pulpy raspberry associated with a touch of small bright fruits, sugared mild tobacco and fine hints of vanilla. Good length. Tannins are precise, well-built and very discreetly soft. A very fine chew and a hint of cocoa/bitterness in the finish/persistence.

Score: 16/20 (92/100)

La Tour de By — Petit Verdot 2018


The nose is aromatic, spicy and offers a beautiful finesse of the grain and power. It reveals notes of violet, bright cassis and small notes of iris associated with touches of small pulpy/fleshy blue berries, zan, Badiane, oriental spices, vanilla, Sichuan pepper and fine hints of vanilla. The palate is beautifully mineral, fresh, juicy, finely tight and offers a beautiful structure, concentration, a certain intensity/deepness and fullness. On the palate this wine expresses notes of bright/ pulpy cassis, small pulpy black berries and small notes of violet, iris/peony associated with touches of black pepper, coffee, toasted, spices as well as very fine hints of caramelization. A persistence on notes of toasted/coffee.

Score: 15.5/20 (90-91/100)

La Tour de By — Cabernet Sauvignon 2018


The nose is fresh, elegant and offers power (full of delicacy), a silky touch/ approach and a beautiful finesse of the grain. It reveals notes of Boysen berry, pulpy wild strawberry and small notes of small bright black fruits associated with touches of violet, redcurrant jam, cornflower, Badiane, discreet hints of cuben pepper, mild tobacco and chocolate. The palate is fresh, mineral, delicate and offers power (full of finesse), a fine aerial side in the approach, a good definition, structure, a fine grain and suavity. On the palate this wine expresses notes of pulpy/juicy wild cassis, bright Boysen berry, pulpy wild raspberry and small notes of small crushed red fruits, zan, Badiane, toasted associated with fine hints of tonka bean as well as an imperceptible hint of green pepper, violet and a discreet hint of toasted almond. A beautiful suave persistence.

Score: 16.25+/20 (93/100)

Loudenne Le Château 2018


The nose is fruity, well-built and offers a small intensity, a fine concentration. It reveals notes of wild blackberry, juicy wild black berries and small notes of violet associated with small touches of griotte, raspberry as well as fine hints of liquorice, spices, a very discreet hint of pepper and an imperceptible hint of tobacco. The palate is fruity, well-built and offers juiciness, freshness, minerality as well as gourmandize, a certain tension, blackness and a small concentration. On the palate this wine expresses notes of wild cassis, small wild black berries and small notes of griotte associated with touches of raspberry, small juicy/fresh red fruits as well as a hint of violet, camphor, zan, discreet hints of sweet spices and cocoa. Tannins are well-built. Good length. Very fine hints of vanilla and chocolate on the persistence.

Score: 16/20 (92/100)

Goulée by Cos d’Estournel 2018


The nose is fruity, racy and offers intensity and a racy minerality. It reveals notes of pulpy/fresh raspberry, fleshy wild strawberry and small notes of blackberry associated with touches of rose, violet as well as hints of zan and a subtle hint of spices. The palate is fruity, elegant, fresh, well-balanced and offers a beautiful minerality, an acidulous frame, gourmandize and suavity. On the palate this wine expresses notes of pulpy blackberry, pulpy/juicy griotte cherry and small notes of crushed raspberry associated with touches of cornflower, juicy blueberry as well as hints of tonka bean, a subtle hint of liquorice stick and discreet hints of caramelization (in the background). Good length.

Score: 16/20 (92/100)

Céleste, Le Temple de Tourteyron 2018


The nose offers a fine power as well as a small intensity. It reveals notes of blackberry, violet and small notes of small fresh fruits associated with a touch of fresh tobacco, geranium and a very discreet hint of pepper. The palate is fruity, fresh, mineral and offers a fine tension, a certain fluidity and a mineral frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of juicy/fresh raspberry, juicy cassis and small notes of small red fruits associated with touches of fresh tobacco, cardamom, geranium, lily as well as a hint of spices.

Score: 14.5+/20 (88/100)

Château Amour 2018


The nose is quite aromatic and offers a small power, a certain concentration as well as a tight grain. It reveals notes of wild blackberry, small fleshy fruits and small notes of fleshy strawberry associated with touches of violet, Sichuan pepper as well as a hint of nutmeg and camphor. The palate is fruity, well-balanced, finely tight and offers an acidulous frame, juiciness, a good definition as well as gourmandize, freshness, a small minerality, a small silkiness and a small fat. On the palate this wine expresses notes of pulpy cassis, pulpy blackberry and small notes of violet associated with touches of small red berries as well as hints of tonka bean, fresh mild tobacco, fresh violet/lily and sweet spices.

Score: 15+/20 (89-90/100)

Château Chantemerle 2018


The nose is fruity, racy. It reveals notes of blackberry, wild raspberry and small notes of violet associated with small touches of lilac, small pulpy fruits as well as hints of zan, fine hints of varietal and a discreet hint of nutmeg. The palate is fruity and offers juiciness, freshness, a good definition, a certaine gourmandize, a fine suavity, fullness as well as a beautiful fresh/juicy fruit. On the palate this wine expresses notes of pulpy/juicy cassis, wild raspberry and small notes of small wild red berries associated with touches of lilac, rose, a racy minerality, cardamom, raspberry leaf as well as small hints of spices, tobacco, a subtle hint of mocha and vanilla. Good length.

Score: 15+/20 (89-90/100)

Château de Tourteyron 2018


The nose is fruity, racy and offers a small power. It reveals notes of blackberry, small fresh red fruits and small notes of racy minerality, pepper, violet as well as discreet hints of toasted and spices. The palate is fruity, well-built and offers a good definition, gourmandize, juiciness, a small suavity, a small silkiness as well as a fine acidulous frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of bright cassis, fresh/ripe strawberry, small red berries and small notes of violet associated with touches of juicy/crunchy cherry, fresh lilas, iris, pepper as well as subtle hints of raspberry leaf, liquorice, discreet hints of chocolate, sugared mild tobacco and an imperceptible hint of coffee (in the background). Good length.

Score: 15+/20 (89-90/100)

Château Haut-Gravat 2018


The nose is spicy. It reveals notes of cassis, wild strawberry and small notes of pepper associated with a touch of nutmeg, tobacco, crushed cassis as well as small hints of toasted and a hint of Sichuan pepper. The palate is fruity, well-balanced and offers a juicy/mineral frame, tension, a small linear side as well as an acidulous/finely crunchy fruit and a fine freshness. On the palate this wine expresses notes of juicy/fresh cassis, pulpy raspberry and small notes of small pulpy black fruits associated with touches of violet, lily, a racy minerality, fine hints of chocolate, toasted and a very discreet hint of tobacco. Good length. Tannins are racy.

Score: 14.75/20 (88-89/100)

Château Vieux Robin 2018


The nose is aromatic, elegant and offers a fine richness, a beautiful fine grain as well as a good definition and a small power. It reveals notes of crushed blackberry, strawberry and small notes of violet associated with small touches of crushed cassis, fleshy violet plum as well as a subtle hint of bourbon vanilla pod, violet, fresh coffee, almond, chocolate and pepper. The palate is fruity and offers juiciness, freshness, a beautiful definition, suavity, fullness as well as gourmandize, a fine richness, a very fine finesse of the grain, a beautiful silky/full of finesse matter and a fine acidulous frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of bright cassis, crushed plum and small notes of fresh raspberry associated with touches of small fresh red fruits, fresh violet, chocolate, liquorice, caramelization, coffee as well as fine hints of nutmeg. Tannins are elegant, fine and precise. A beautiful wine.

Score: 16/20 (92/100)

Château Lacombe Noaillac 2018


The nose offers a small concentration, a certain power as well as a very fine complexity. It reveals notes of wild blackberry, bright cassis and small notes of violet associated with small touches of liquorice, nutmeg, lily, hazelnut, toasted and an imperceptible varietal hint. The palate is fruity, well-balanced, slightly tight and offers juiciness, a fine minerality, freshness as well as a small concentration. On the palate this wine expresses notes of crunchy/juicy cassis, small bright red berries associated with touches of violet, lilac as well as hints of small berries, camphor, toasted, a racy minerality, tobacco and a very discreet hint of crushed almond. Tannins are well-built. Good length.

Score: 15+/20 (89-90/100)

Château Les Anguilleys 2018


The nose is aromatic and offers a small concentration, a. very fine intensity, generosity as well as a fine flowery side. It reveals notes of cassis, violet, rose and small notes of crushed raspberry associated with fine hints of small pulpy black berries, pepper, a hint of mild tobacco and toasted hazelnut. The palate is fruity and offers juiciness, gourmandize, minerality, suavity as well as a certain dynamism. On the palate this wine expresses notes of bright cassis, fresh/ripe blackberry and small notes of pulpy/fresh raspberry associated with small touches of violet, rose, lilac, nutmeg, small red berries as well as discreet varietal hints, spices and an imperceptible hint of grey pepper. Good length. A very discreet hint of caramelization and liquorice (in the background) on the finish/persistence.

Score: 15/20 (89-90/100)

Château Les Ormes Sorbet 2018


The nose is fresh, very finely tight and offers a bright fruit, a small concentration and a small spicy character. It reveals notes of pulpy raspberry, blackberry, violet and small notes of small ripe fruits, cassis associated with fine touches of liquorice, vanilla, small wild red fruits, lily, pepper, nutmeg and a discreet hint of spices. The palate is fruity,

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