Yachts & Yachting magazine

The Rough Guide

There be dragons

What constitutes ‘rough water’ is a matter of personal perspective. A cracking sail for one might be a terrifying experience for another that would put them off sailing for life.

Good skippers need to take the capabilities and natures of their crew into account in addition to the physical considerations of the rough water itself. A crew that has been briefed that “It’s going to be rough for about an hour until we round that headland, but then it will be a lot smoother”, will be a lot happier and have confidence in their skipper.

Do your research

Areas of rough water should not take anyone by surprise. They are all well documented on the UKHO charts, the Reeds Nautical Almanac and pilotage guides.

I am surprised and disappointed that they do not currently feature prominently on some electronic charts. Casual mariners who currently rely solely on electronics, and especially those using A to B auto routing software, are likely to experience some unpleasant surprises.

Passage planning is a lot more than a legal requirement to be ticked off on the back of an envelope. Careful studies of tidal streams will not only alert you to potential hazards but can also significantly reduce your passage times.

The Almanac provides good guidance on the well-known rough water areas such as the Portland Race, and pilot

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