More from Practical Boat Owner

Practical Boat Owner6 min read
Navigating ‘Orca Alley’
Since 2020 sailors cruising the Atlantic Iberian coast have had to consider another hazard, alongside passage planning and preparations. Orcas have been interacting with small boats, causing damage to around 250 vessels and sinking seven–five sailing
Practical Boat Owner2 min read
Replacing Rudder Bearings
1 Find out in advance where you can get the replacement parts as this may take some time. If you need to arrange for parts to be machined it will be necessary to take measurements after the rudder has been removed. 2 Work out how much clearance from
Practical Boat Owner1 min read
Galvanic Corrosion
Rudders, rudder fittings and sterndrives are at risk of galvanic corrosion. If your boat’s rudder is made of metal it will most likely have a sacrificial anode bolted to it. This will need replacing when more than half of the anode has been lost to c
