The Atlantic

The Children of Sperm Donors Want to Change the Rules of Conception

Does everyone have a right to know their biological parents?
Source: Matt Chase

Damian Adams grew up knowing that his parents had used an anonymous sperm donor to conceive him, and as a teen, he was even proud of this identity. He considered donating to help other families have children. Becoming a father himself, however, changed everything. When his daughter was born 18 years ago, he cradled her in his arms, and he instantly saw himself in her and her in himself. He felt a biological connection so powerful that it made him reconsider his entire life up until then. “What I’d had there with my daughter,” he says, “was one thing I had been missing in my life.” He felt the need to know where he came from.

Adams, a biologist in Australia, would spend years searching for his biological father, running into one dead end after another. Meanwhile, he also began campaigning to end donor anonymity for others like him. In 2016, he and fellow activists pushed the state of Victoria to retroactively abolish anonymity for all sperm donors. (A previous law had already banned it from 1998 onward.) Donor-conceived people in the United Kingdom have also successfully campaigned to ban anonymous sperm donation. In the United States, where anonymous donation is still technically offered, some donor-conceived people are asserting a right to know their genetic origins and even to contact their biological parents, who may or may not welcome the surprise.

All of this was unimaginable a few decades ago. Doctors used. There are also several podcasts, at least two magazines, and even who work with people in this situation. The shared identity that connects this online community is small by proportion but large in raw numbers. An estimated are born in the U.S. every year, though that statistic may well . The fertility industry doesn’t have to keep records, so the true number is unknown.

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