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Horoscope Guide10 min read
2023 The Year Ahead CAPRICORN
Moving forward toward a goal is a key part of your profile, and this year is no exception. In fact, taking a calculated approach is coming on even stronger than usual, but you’ll infuse it with guile and social charm. Sidling up to authority figures
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Pisces 2023
Mars stations direct in Gemini on the 12th in the house of your home, elders, landlords, and real estate (the 4th), bringing gatherings and events that spark much activity and interest. Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on the 18th in the house of
Horoscope Guide4 min read
Scorpio 2023
January: As Shakespeare advised us, “The course of true love never did run smooth,” which is something we should keep in mind in regard to money as well. Though in some respects, especially with regard to family matters, things may be peaceful and qu