
Question 2: Is a Dam That Is in a Green Building Certification System Working Properly?

Eastablishing the Certification System and an Eco-friendly Architecture Industry

ccording to ‘The 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction’ by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), building-related emissions account for 38% of the total carbon emissions, of which 28% are emitted during the operation stage and 10% are emitted during the construction stage. Countries around the world are implementing various policies to manage carbon emissions in the building sector, and the certification system is at the centre of this contention. There are two main types of certification systems that manage carbon emissions of buildings internationally: the system that comprehensively evaluates various elements of a city and its architecture, which we call Eco-friendly Certification, and the Building Energy Performance Evaluation System that focuses on energy. The Korean government is also implementing Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design (G-SEED), which covers the environmental impact of a

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