Crochet Magazine

Mega Baskets



Instructions written for small basket; color changes for medium and large baskets are given in [ ].


Small Basket: 8 inches in diameter x 7 inches high

Medium Basket: 10 inches in diameter x 7 inches high

Large Basket: 12 inches in diameter x 7 inches high


• Plymouth Yarn Encore Mega super bulky (super chunky) weight acrylic/wool yarn (3½ oz/64 yds/100g per skein):

2 skeins each #146 cream (C1) #577 bison (C5) and #692 citron (C4)

3 skeins each #199 aqua (C3) and #658 bluebell (MC)

4 skeins #379 ash grey (C2)

• Size H/8/5mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

• Tapestry needle


Rnds 1-3 = 3¾ inches in diameter


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