

I used my Audio Precision SYS27221 to examine the Jadis JS1 MkV’s performance. To minimize the possibility of the analog circuitry picking up noise from the power supply, I placed the supply on the floor, as far away from the processor chassis as the two umbilical cables would allow. The heatsinks on the back of the supply became very hot during testing, their temperature stabilizing at 135.3°F (57.4°C).

The processor’s AES3 and optical and coaxial S/PDIF inputs locked to data sampled up to 192kHz. Apple’s AudioMIDI utility revealed that the USB inputs accepted 32-bit integer data sampled at rates up to 768kHz. Apple’s USB Prober utility identified the JS1 MkV as “Combo384-reviewed products from ATC, Métronome, and Verity.) The USB port operated in the optimal isochronous asynchronous mode.

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