More from AQ: Australian Quarterly

AQ: Australian Quarterly7 min read
Combatting Sepsis, the Biggest Killer in Intensive Care Units
Vulnerable populations, especially in low-income and developing countries are disproportionately affected by this devastating disease. Due to an ageing population and an increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance, the annual incidence of sepsis,
AQ: Australian Quarterly4 min read
Losing Control: Later Retirement and Wellbeing
As you near the end of your working life, it’s natural to start counting down the days until your ‘retirement’. For the lucky ones, retirement is voluntary and can be a decision made independent of government policy. For others, it is a countdown to
AQ: Australian Quarterly8 min read
Treating People, not just a Virus Cure, Community, & Collaboration for Hep B
I was diagnosed with hepatitis B during my teens. I have been lucky enough to avoid such life changing impacts, but still feel pangs of existential dread every 6 months when my blood results are due. What if this is the last time I know I am cancer-f

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