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I couldn't have been prouder of my wonderful granddaughter Danielle on her wedding day with her lovely husband Lloyd. We lost her grandad six years ago and they married on what would have been his 90th birthday. Annie Davies, Warrington My 10-year-ol
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Evil On camera
It was a tiny device, no bigger than a postage stamp. Yet the digital memory card handed to police in the city of Anchorage, Alaska, on 30 September 2019 contained unimaginable horrors. Labelled Homicide at Midtown Marriott, the SD card stored 39 pho
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A Lifetime Of Smiles
Agnes Bordas, 36, Dungannon, Co Tyrone Watching my daughter Sara, then 3, playing in the park, I beamed with happiness. It was July 2020 and my little girl was my pride and joy. So friendly and happy, she was always putting smiles on strangers' faces
