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Men's Fitness Guide1 min read
Your Six-pack Starts Here
Welcome to Ultimate Abs, your complete guide to building a rocksolid six-pack. In this guide we've selected the most effective moves, using a range of training kit, that will help you hit your abs-sculpting goals. The key to developing impressive abs
Men's Fitness Guide4 min read
7 Rules Of Eating For A Six-pack
Unfortunately, there is no getting around the simple fact that if you want to burn body fat, you need to be in a slight calorie deficit. It isn't fun or exciting, but if you're consuming more calories on a weekly basis than you burn, you simply won't
Men's Fitness Guide3 min read
Dumbbell Exercises
TARGET Upper abs DIFFICULTY RATING WHY In lab testing, weighted crunches activate the abs more than almost any other isolation move. Using a dumbbell (or weight plate) for slow, controlled reps is a great way to work your whole core. HOW Lie flat on
