More from Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids

Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids1 min read
Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids
Stacey Lane Smith, EditorHayley Kim, Assistant EditorJulie Peterson, CopyeditorSuzanne Beck, Senior Art DirectorShavan Spears, DesignerMichael Chesworth, Artist, SPIDER bugsChristine Voboril, Permissions SpecialistLaura Woodside, SVP Education Produc
Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids1 min read
Cowboy Caviar
THIS CHIP DIP may be named after caviar (a fancy dish made of fish eggs). But there’s nothing fancy or fishy about it. What You’ll Need: 1 can black-eyed peas (15 ounces)1 can corn (15.25 ounces)2 ripe avocados2 Roma tomatoes1 bunch cilantro1 bunch
Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites and Puzzles for Children and Kids3 min read
Planet Pumpkin
SOMETIMES, I HAVE dirt under my fingernails. Mom says that’s OK, as long as I scrub hard before dinner. She understands because she’s a gardener like me—except she says little vegetables taste best. I might be small, but I like veggies BIG. Mom grows
