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Playful Modern Kids.
Fran: I’m twenty-seven and Shay is twenty-nine. We had our first kid when I was turning seventeen and she was eighteen. We were pretty much children when we met. But as soon as we had our first child, we moved from Virginia to Tennessee, and everythi
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Anna Jones Chats One Pot, Pan + Planet.
I live in London with my husband, John, my son, Dylan (six), and I’m currently pregnant but will have given birth by the time you are reading this. I am part of a big close family, and my sister and brother live around the corner. I am a cook and foc
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Meet Sam.
It takes me six months to get to know my new neighbourhood. Not just the street names or where to get the best coffee, but each laneway, every shortcut, all the unmaintained bluestone paths. Which houses are home to hoarders, which businesses ignore
