To move from one part of the country to another (as opposed to emigration, which involves moving abroad).

Most of us have a dream stashed away for “someday”; someday when I’m retired, someday when the kids are done with school; someday when my ship comes in, I’ll move there and do that. The pandemic blasted through a lot of unthinkables. Many realised it wasn’t necessary to plough through traffic to sit in an office every day; it is possible to homeschool; and you can do something completely different with your life. It can work. And life will go on. After the initial shock wore off, many realised they were in a better position than before Covid.


When the mighty wheels of the global machine ground to a halt, regular people took a breather to revaluate and reimagine life. It also changes things when every surface or bit of human contact could be the harbinger of a deadly disease. It makes you think

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