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Why Does Popcorn Pop?
The transformation of a seed into one of our most popular snacks—in the blink of an eye—is a remarkable process that hides a lot of interesting science. Whereas the kernel is hard, the popcorn is light, crunchy, and delightfully fluffy. Like most see
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Chicken with Fruit Salsa
❚ ADULT: YES ❚ HANDS-ON TIME: 45 MINUTES ❚ TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES ❚ MAKES: 3 SERVINGS Cutting boardSharp knife (adult needed)or kitchen scissorsMeasuring cupsMeasuring spoonsGrater or zesterMedium bowlLarge spoonLarge ovenproof skillet orbakin
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See How To Make Dips
(Feel free to substitute ¼ teaspoon garlic powder for the fresh garlic in each recipe)
