More from Owner Driver

Owner Driver3 min read
New Station A Welcome Resource
Rod Hannifey is no stranger to long hauls behind the wheel of truck bringing freight from state to state across Australia. Over the years, Hannifey says he has found music, radio shows, and more recently, audiobooks, have provided welcome company whi
Owner Driver4 min read
A Reason For Being
Not long after I earned my MC on my 25th birthday, I was loading trailers hooked up to mainly Volvos in a shed in Carole Park, Queensland. A bloke in his late thirties turned up in a gorgeous green and chrome Kenworth to load up. My guess is it would
Owner Driver11 min read
Back In The Game
Penske people must be a patient lot, especially in our part of the world. For the best part of a decade, they’ve waited and waited, and waited some more, for their Star to do what stars generally do best – shine brightly! Yet, for reasons seemingly m
