Writing Magazine


2022 marks the tenth anniversary of my first traditionally-published novel, and the publication of my eighteenth. My total career sales recently crossed the four million threshold, I’ve had numerous number one bestsellers, have been translated into a dozen languages, have had books optioned for TV and, most importantly, I’m a full-time writer, doing what I always dreamed of and earning a good living.

But it wasn’t too long ago that if you’d told me I would ever be able to write a paragraph like the one above, I would have asked you to stop teasing me. Because early in 2010, after years of trying to get published, hundreds of thousands of words written and too many rejections to count, I had given up on my dream of being an author. Put the dream aside.

And then my wife bought me a Kindle.

I hadn’t wanted one. I liked print books and thought ebooks were a gimmick that would soon disappear. But as I searched Amazon for titles to download onto this new gadget, I noticed that a lot

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