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Audubon Magazine1 min read
Building a Brighter Tomorrow
We imagine a world where birds thrive throughout the Americas. Achieving that vision requires a clear set of milestones that will keep us on track and ensure that our efforts deliver the biggest possible positive impact—for birds, people, and the pla
Audubon Magazine1 min read
Milestone: Policy Leadership
From the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Endangered Species Act to the Inflation Reduction Act, Audubon members have always spoken up—loudly, consistently, and effectively—to protect birds and our environment. Public policy and funding can have a t
Audubon Magazine1 min read
Measure for Measure
SINCE 2009 A VOLUNTARY FEDERAL permit program has offered wind-energy companies a trade-off: If they adopt certain technologies or practices to prevent collisions, they’ll be shielded from prosecution under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act if
