More from Writing Magazine

Writing Magazine4 min read
Survey Monkey
Surveys are a handy technique if you want to collect factual information about individuals, their views, experiences, habits and self-reported behaviour. Although they’re more commonly used by nonfiction writers, they can benefit fiction writers too:
Writing Magazine1 min read
Scriptwriting Contests
The competition from the Comedy Film and Animation Festival is inviting entries of 23-30-minute sitcom scripts plus a one-page pitch by new comedy writing talent (ie who have not had a sitcom commissioned or broadcast in the UK or US). Shortlisted wo
Writing Magazine1 min read
Writing For Children Competitions
Win £5,000 in the annual prize for children’s and YA writers. The international £5,000 annual prize is for unpublished and independently published writers for children. The winning author will receive £5,000 and all shortlisted writers will receive f
