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Classic Jaguar3 min read
Unrestored Jaguars
One of my favourite possessions is a genuine Victorinox Swiss Army knife in British Racing Green that was given to me during the 2001 E-type tour to Geneva that celebrated the 40th anniversary of the iconic car’s debut at the Swiss town. Not only doe
Classic Jaguar1 min read
Classic Jaguar
Editorial Editor Sam Skelton. Art Editor Mark Baker. Contributors Neil Campbell, Gaynor Cauter, Gareth Charlton, Craig Cheetham, Rob Hawkins, Letitia Mace, Lindsay Ross, Wayne Scott, Paul Wager, Paul
Classic Jaguar3 min read
Get It Right
In his column this issue, my friend and colleague Paul Walton talks about the condition of a classic and how something shabby, tired and usable has far more character than an over-restored concours queen. And he’s absolutely right in my opinion, the
