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Chicago magazine1 min read
The Birth Of A Park
I WAS LIVING OUT OF STATE WHEN MILLENNIUM PARK WAS announced and constructed, so I missed all the hoopla of its opening in 2004. But not long after I moved back to Chicago in 2011, I took my visiting parents and my family downtown to see the Bean and
Chicago magazine1 min read
City Of Big Questions
Q: Why do the stars on Chicago’s flag have six points? As a matter of symbolism, our city flag can be boiled down to its most distinctive element: its four six-pointed red stars. Wallace Rice, who designed the flag (it had only two stars when adopted
Chicago magazine3 min read
Baby Goes Boom
WHILE HE MAY HAIL FROM THE southeast Texas town of Port Arthur, Wes Leavins is now quite at home in Chicago. The Brigitte Calls Me Baby frontman put down stakes on the North Side in 2023 after years of traveling back and forth to perform here. “I fee
