Mini Magazine


Taking a strong inf luence from his first road car back in the day, Martin Farrar recently decided to recreate his sorely missed Kawasaki green saloon. And, armed with a larger budget this time around, he’s opted for Honda VTEC power along with a vast inventory of trick mods.

Martin’s lifelong passion for the classic Mini stems right back to his youth when both his parents drove road-going examples. Keeping them company on the Farrar’s driveway was a far from road legal autograss saloon which Martin’s dad regularly competed in. Inevitably, Martin was often to be found handing his dad the spanners and as soon as he was old enough, he began competing in autograss too. “I raced for a while in my teens, then after a few years off I got back into it as an adult,” he recalls. “As I was so familiar with Minis, it seemed sensible to buy another as my first road car.”


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