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Writing Magazine6 min read
Crossing the Road
Every day I would see them without seeing them, head down, caught in my thoughts. Dregs littering the pavement, a loser’s life in your face, the kind of blank hopeless eyes you want to avoid, skirting a wide path and holding your breath to avoid inha
Writing Magazine6 min read
Creative Content
Most writers dream of making a living from their work. Only a tiny proportion do. In fact, barely 19% of published authors earn all of their income from writing according to the Society of Authors. In 2022, a published author’s median earnings were £
Writing Magazine4 min read
The World Of Writing
I must admit to being a little apprehensive. I’d never attended one of these events before. I’d convinced myself everybody attending would be a far better writer than me and would look down upon me as an imposter trying to worm my way into a circle t

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