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Gillards of Bath
Since 1888, Gillards of Bath has remained a stalwart institution for hot beverages. Henry Gillard founded the company in the historic city of Bath, England, to produce artisanal tea blends by hand, freshly roasted coffee, and drinking chocolates. Wit
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Catherine England’s First Tea Drinking Queen
I recently visited Lisbon, Portugal, and discovered a prominent statue of Catherine of Braganza along the waterfront. I was reminded of the life and influence of one of the country’s most beloved princesses. At age 23, her arranged marriage to Charle
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Tea With A Friend
Have a cup of oolong,Have a cup of chai,Have a cup of chamomile,Whatever you decide. Fill your teacup with me,Stir it with a spoon,Add a squeeze of lemonOr a sugar cube. Savor sweets and friendship,Eat another scone,Taste a tiny sandwich, andFeel wel
