More from Creative Knitting

Creative Knitting9 min read
Plastic-head pins are useful for checking tension and blocking out items. Pins with coloured heads are best because they do not get lost in your work. A row counter is helpful for keeping track of rows worked, particularly where increases, decreases
Creative Knitting2 min read
Top Knot Beanie
With 3.75mm needles, cast on 67 (73, 79, 85, 91, 97) sts. Stocking st 6 rows. Next Row: RS - K1; *p1, k1; rep from * to end. Next Row: WS - P1; *k1, p1; rep from * to end. Rib 4 more rows. Change to 4.00mm needles. Cont in Stocking st until hat measu
Creative Knitting3 min read
Aran Beanie
NOTE – This beanie is worked on smaller needles and at a firmer tension than usually recommended for this yarn. Using set of 3.75mm double-pointed needles, cast on 132 sts and divide evenly between 3 needles. Join to work in rounds, taking care not
