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TeaTime8 min read
Reading Literature With Tea On The Mind
“Under certain circumstances, there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea,” Henry James declares in the opening of The Portrait of a Lady. “From five o’clock to eight is on certain occasio
TeaTime1 min read
Ceylon Teas
THE TEA SHOPPE TEACUP: Shelley Summer Glory Chintz “Both fruits meld together beautifully in this Ceylon-based sweet explosion of fruity flavor perfect for summer sipping.” —Courtni Bodiford, stylist ELMWOOD INN FINE TEAS elmwoodin
TeaTime2 min read
Sweet & Savory
Makes approximately 10 Destined to become an unexpected favorite, this recipe yields scones with the perfect balance of sweet and savory notes. Enjoy them with traditional condiments, such as clotted cream and a marmalade or jam, and a nice pot of te
