More from Family Tree

Family Tree6 min read
School Records
As far back as the mid-1600s, the Puritans encouraged literacy so followers could read the Bible. In Massachusetts, women taught “dame schools” for young children out of their own homes; older children attended schools specifically for reading and wr
Family Tree2 min read
3 BAD PLACES to Display Heirlooms
Glass-front china buffets or collectible cabinets were once considered the best place to show off and protect items. That’s true for most china and glassware, but some items shouldn’t be permanently displayed in a glass cabinet: dolls, stuffed animal
Family Tree1 min read
Heirloom Inventory Form
In each issue, Your Turn offers a form that’ll help you preserve your family’s unique stories and organize your research. Tear out and use the form or make a photocopy. ■

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