

Randy Ramsey, known largely as the co-founder of North Carolina’s Jarrett Bay Boatworks, is a man of fascinating talents, dreams, friends and faith. He’s been dubbed an accidental boatbuilder by some, but digging deeper into his life reveals a great number of influences, events and character traits that make his custom boatbuilding career look more like a destiny fulfilled.

Anyone approaching Ramsey for the first or even the hundredth time is met with his gleaming blue eyes, a warm demeanor and an outstretched hand. What makes him special is an ability to make quick friends, and an intuition for recognizing others’ potential and developing their interests and talents—a born leader and a man of great faith.

Ramsey didn’t hail from a family of boat-builders, nor did he come from the Outer Banks proper like many of his peers. But what he lacked in pedigree he made up for with passion and the drive to soak up the generosity and helping hints provided by those around him. The results of his early ambition and determination were a new breed of custom Carolina boats that quickly proved their mettle as capable offshore fishing machines that also became luxurious pieces of art.


Ramsey, like all of us, is a product of his environment and upbringing. He came from a supportive family that offered him a wide variety of experiences, many of which involved fishing and hunting, but also in operating marinas and hardware stores.

“Some of my earliest memories are of being on

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