More from What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ

What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ8 min read
Women are going for an outdoor swim in cold water to relieve their menstrual and perimenopausal symptoms—and according to one survey, it works. The women have said that the severity of typical symptoms, such as hot flushes, anxiety, mood swings and b
What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ2 min read
Breathing For Asthma
Asthma currently affects up to one in five children worldwide and is increasing year on year.1 These children have overreactive immune systems that can go haywire with exertion or with exposure to viruses, pollution and dust, leading to constricted a
What Doctors Don't Tell You Australia/NZ1 min read
5 Ways To Get Your Greens
A core part of living alkaline is eating more greens—five to seven servings of green foods daily. If you do just this one action, you’ll see an incredible benefit to your health and energy. The sheer volume of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, such a
