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Adirondack Explorer5 min read
Always Trust Your Boots
In yet another case of a bait-and-switch weather forecast with the promise of partly cloudy skies and temps pushing sixty, the late October morning broke with rain. I almost called Doug to postpone our Mount Adams climb from near the Upper Works trai
Adirondack Explorer2 min read
Brief Bio
Age: 51 Birthplace: Horseheads Residence: Newcomb Occupation: Senior Research Associate and Associate Director of the Adirondack Ecological Center (AEC), a field research station of the State University of New York College of Environmental Science an
Adirondack Explorer3 min read
It's Debatable
The climate crisis is here, now. We can see its effects in every season, as ubiquitous as the yellow skies from last summer’s choking wildfire smoke. Whether it’s overflowing rivers, deadly blizzards, drenching rains, or rising seas, climate change i
