More from Love Patchwork & Quilting

Love Patchwork & Quilting4 min read
Rising Sun
Quilt ■ Fabric A (cream/background): 1½yds■ Fabric B (dark pink): ¼yd■ Fabric C (yellow): ¾yd■ Fabric D (navy): ½yd■ Fabric E (cream swirls): ¼yd■ Fabric F (mustard figures): ¼yd■ Fabric G (mustard mobiles): ¼yd■ Fabric H (red): ½yd■ Fabric I (turquo
Love Patchwork & Quilting2 min read
Grace Rother
At the Faith Ringgold exhibit Gwen and I are mesmerised. We whisper to one another like we’re in the library. ‘Did you see…? Do you think she…? How did she…?’ The quilts have us stepping close and backing up in tandem, like two little birds at the ed
Love Patchwork & Quilting4 min read
Print Palooza
Quilt ■ Fabric A (white): 1½yds■ Fabric B (green): 1yd■ Fabric C (pink): ¾yd■ Fabric D (lime): ¾yd■ Fabric E (dark blue): ½yd■ Binding fabric: ½yd■ Backing fabric: 4yds■ Batting: 66in square ■ 58½in square ■ Seam allowances are ¼in throughout, unless

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