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Houses4 min read
Myers Ellyett Architecture and Interior Design IN PROFILE
Etched into the minds of many who grew up in Australia are memories of summer days spent playing backyard cricket or sprawled on the cool green lawn, watching the clouds. Ours is a uniquely outdoor lifestyle, and our houses reflect this with spaces t
Houses4 min read
Stornoway by Laurie Virr REVISITED
We Australians are very conservative as a nation when it comes to houses ... most folk do not realize what an effect on their lives a good house can have. – Laurie Virr, April 2003 (in conversation with the homeowner). Just outside Canberra lies t
Houses4 min read
Malvern House 02 By Rob Kennon Architects
The family home is a well-understood trope in Australian culture, although not one that is synonymous with high-end architecture. It’s perhaps most vivid in childhood memories – nostalgia for the cosy spot spent watching Sunday night movies together,
